Gotta Badge ‘Em All: Telegraphist

Telegraphist: What is it? The Telegraphist badge is categorized as a “Quality [Assurance] Badge” and is defined in this Trac ticket. But what’s the real scoop behind the Telegraphist badge? In short, Telegraphist is awarded to Fedora contributors and users who map the names of their favorite upstream projects to

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Gotta Badge ‘Em All: Parselmouth

Parselmouth: What is it? The Parselmouth badge is categorized as a “Miscellaneous Badge” and was defined in this Trac ticket. But what’s the real scoop behind the Parselmouth badge? In short, Parselmouth is awarded to Fedora contributors who assist in porting Python 2 packages in Fedora to Python 3. As

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Fedora Badges

Gotta Badge ‘Em All: Introduction to Fedora Badges

What is this?! What is this? What is this?! Introducing a new series being published weekly on my blog – “Gotta Badge ‘Em All!” This series aims to introduce readers to the hundreds of Fedora badges that members of the Fedora community can earn. Maybe you’re a newcomer looking at

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Fedora CommOps – What I’m working on

I’m trying to get into better habits about blogging on a semi-regular basis, as it’s a good way for me to recap about everything going on around me and to help remember how I’m spending my time. CommOps in Retrospect Over the past few months, I have worked closely with

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Three reasons I love open source

Open Source User I am a user of open source software. My earliest experiences with open source software was with the Minecraft server software Bukkit as a kid, when I was attempting to make a cool game server for friends. I started using Fedora in December 2013 with my first

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Year of the Linux Desktop: Flock 2015 Summary

Flock to Fedora 2015 was a conference full of incredible people with incredible ideas, and it was a tough decision to decide which sessions to attend of all the good options. One that caught my eye was the “When is the year of the Linux desktop?” talk by Red Hat

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My journey into Fedora

These past few weeks have been particularly exciting for me as I become more involved in the world of free and open-source software. For a long time, I’ve sat and idled in the various realms of the Fedora community, and I’ve sat on the sidelines thinking that I would be

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