RITlug/TeleIRC development update

Roadmap for TeleIRC v1.4

The RITlug TeleIRC developer team celebrated the v1.3 release on March 3rd, 2019. Looking ahead, the team is mapping out next steps for quality-of-life improvements in v1.4.

What’s coming in TeleIRC v1.4

TeleIRC v1.4 is the next feature release of TeleIRC. The targeted release date for v1.4 is by the end of April 2019 (i.e. the end of the academic semester for students involved with the project). Following v1.4, the project will likely enter brief hibernation until Fall 2019 when the RIT academic semester begins again.

At the developer meeting on March 23rd, we discussed the scope of this sprint and what we felt is realistic for project maintainers to work on:

Primary goals

  • Include limited characters from Telegram replies in relayed IRC message (RITlug/teleirc#51)
  • Create doc page on development environment (RITlug/teleirc#77)
  • QoL Improvements: show file-type of documents in IRC, insert ZWP character in join/leave messages (RITlug/teleirc#130)
  • Allow user to configure more variables for IRC server connection (e.g. port, SSL certs, etc.) (RITlug/teleirc#113)

Secondary goals

Recap of TeleIRC v1.3 sprint

The TeleIRC v1.3 release follows the v1.2.2 release on December 8th, 2018. This release is a significant change in how project development is done. For the first time, a special interest group inside of RITlug exists around the project. The team shifted to an agile-like development practice to fit inside of the RIT student academic schedule.

A special shout-out is earned by Tim Zabel for his support and participation as a core contributor during the v1.3 sprint.

Get involved with TeleIRC!

More opportunities are coming to participate with TeleIRC! We would love to have more people get involved and participate in the project. There is no formal commitment to contributing, although we ask for participation through a single sprint cycle.

Soon, we will have better new contributor on-boarding docs. Our weekly developer meetings are now happening over public audio/video call each Saturday at 15:00 US EDT, so anyone can join and participate.

Come say hello in our developer chat rooms, either on IRC or in Telegram!

Background photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash.