A daytime photograph of a large field. The field is divided into two halves. The left half of the image shows the field in a vibrant green, covered in thick grass. The right half of the image shows the field in decay, colored brown with dead grass. A caption appears at the top of the image, reading "light/dark."


This post is published as part of a personal archival project of my poetry and other creative works. This poem was written in October 2016.

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A nighttime photograph. In the center of the photo, there is a long road leading into the horizon, with reflectors placed in sequence alongside the road. To the sides of the road, tall trees tower toward the sky. They are too dense to see to what is on the other side. In the sky, there are too many stars to count. The nighttime sky is dotted across with small stars. The road ahead is lit somewhat, likely by the headlights of a car traveling down the road through the darkness.

Willful Winds

This post is published as part of a personal archival project of my poetry and other creative works. This poem was written in October 2016.

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